Sunday School

Sunday School
Children go to Sunday School following the children's sermon in the beginning portion of our worship services. Sunday worship is at 9:30AM. 

Adult Sunday School class meets with Pastor Bruce 9AM - 9:15AM in the overflow room. (No adult class July and August). 
The Sunday School children have lots of fun learning about Jesus and the Bible. 

The Sunday School children and youth enjoy participating with outreach projects: making goodie bags and cards for nursing home residents and shut-ins; help serve meals at our annual spaghetti dinner and other projects where they can help others. 

The Sunday School children also participate in the ELCA Good Gifts program. The children decide together each year how to use their weekly offering to help others in need in foreign countries. They have purchased farm animals and donated funds to help provide medical aide.


Some of the children having fun after decorating their Jesus t-shirts!

Sunday School Prayer Garden!