Food Pantry

Food Pantry
 Food Pantry Distribution
Third Wednesday of the Month      9:30AM - Noon
Location: Bethany Lutheran 336 Franklin St. West Reading 

Please take a number when you enter and wait for your number to be called.
We ask for patience while waiting for your turn to receive food. 

We have limited volunteers and your cooperation is vital to us being able to open
our doors and allow you to choose what you need. 

NO reserving or holding spots in line. Please wait in line respectfully. 

Please be prepared to take bags of food back to your car or home without assistance from pantry volunteers. 

New families/individuals will be required to register.
Please have your current ID and verification of current address ready.

You do not need to be a resident in the 19611 area to receive food
but you must be a resident of Berks County. 

 **** Please do not place any bags, carts, etc. on the sidewalk to save a place in line to receive food. ****
This is a health and safety hazard. 

No double parking is permitted in front of the church
or in the fire zone as this could cause safety and traffic issues. 

                                                EMERGENCY FOOD ASSISTANCE                

Please visit this link for more information about emergency food assistance in Pa:      


Food Pantry distribution is held the third Wednesday of each month 9:30AM - 12:00PM.

Helping Harvest Fresh Food Bank (formerly The Greater Berks Food Bank) delivers food for our pantry the second Thursday of each month at 10:00AM (many times the truck comes early around 9:30AM). Volunteers are greatly appreciated to help with the food deliveries. Please call the church office for more information. 

Our pantry is also supported with donations from the members of Bethany as well as other local church's and private donations. THANK YOU for supporting this much needed community outreach program!***

Attention High School and College Students! You can earn community service hours by volunteering with Bethany's food pantry. Please call the church office for information or just come on a scheduled pantry delivery or distribution day.

For emergency food assistance or more information about Food Pantry's in Berks County, please call the Helping Harvest Food Bank (Greater Berks Food Bank) 610-926-5802     
Please do not place any bags, carts, etc. on the sidewalk to save a place in line to receive food.
This is a health and safety hazard.